As Roll Rida raps about Chinna (Ajay Mysore Productions) and the song ends, I couldn’t help wishing for a Chinna in my life. In many Telugu families, there often is a Chinna, very dear to everyone. Rahul Velpula in his usual energetic style reminds us how the Chinnas of our world in so many little ways make our lives better. Am sure the song can have a pan-India impact. Full marks to Ajay Mysore for the song’s production values. Let’s also have a round of applause for the Director Shaan Abdul Wahab, Music Composer Vikas Badisa, DOP Sreechith Vijayan Damodar and the choreographer Chitti and all the others of the team behind Chinna - the demands of the rap genre in music are different and difficult; tougher than what it appears and sounds in the video.
Are you, by any chance, Chinna in your family?